Wool Pillows

Wool Pillows

Our wonderful wool pillow collection is where cosy comfort meets sustainable luxury. Made from natural wool, these pillows offer unparalleled softness and breathability. Experience the gentle cradle of wool as it contours to your head and neck, providing excellent support throughout the night. Perfect for all seasons, wool pillows regulate temperature, keeping you cool in summer and warmer in winter. Hypoallergenic and resistant to mould and dust mites, wool pillows are an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. Transform your sleep experience with one of our super comfy and eco-friendly wool pillows.


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3 products

Laura Ashley Wool PillowLaura Ashley Wool Pillow
Sale price from Only £40
Hypnos Wool PillowHypnos Wool Pillow
Sale price from Only £79
Hypnos Kingsize Wool Pillow, made with 100% British wool and naturally anti-allergic with cotton cover and medium/soft supportHypnos King Size Wool Pillow
Sale price from Only £89